
Showing posts from December, 2022

What Does Lego Camp Do To Your Child's Brain?

No toy can make your child’s eyes shine with excitement as LEGO does. It has remained one of the most played games since time immemorial. However, in the last few years, the game has been recognized as a brain-stimulating activity. Nowadays, summer stem programs have incorporated LEGO sessions to make learning more fun.  However, it’s not just to unwind after an intense classroom learning experience. Apparently, LEGO is the best exercise for your brain. It will enhance the way your child looks at the world. Read on to know how LEGO shapes the way your child thinks.  1. Creativity: The LEGO camp stimulates creativity in innumerable ways. It helps your child think differently. As you know, LEGO doesn’t come pre-built with a particular structure. There are just some bits and pieces to it. It’s on you to decide what to build out of it. There’s no confinement to your imagination. Only your mind limits you.  Such situations allow your child to explore different possibilities. Hence, channel